Belgian Pilot News | UNITED represented by the University of Ghent at the Fair “Speeding up Nature Positive offshore energy infrastructure deployment”
On Wednesday 19th October, the RGI, WindEurope and the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) organised the conference “Speeding up Nature Positive offshore energy infrastructure deployment” in Brussels.
The event focused on challenges and possible solutions to accelerate both offshore renewables and grid deployment as well as making this infrastructure nature positive by halting and reversing the loss of marine biodiversity. One of the components of the conference was the Community of Practices Fair on Nature Conservation and Restoration. This fair provided a platform for projects, working on the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems, allowing them to promote and explain their practice to diverse industry and policy stakeholders and inspire replication and scale-up.
The UNITED Belgian was selected to participate in the associated fair and the lead of this pilot, Dr. Nancy Nevejan, was present at a dedicated UNITED booth to showcase the project’s results and progress, to the participants, using the video of the Belgian pilot and the roll-up poster of the project.
Here is more information about the event:
RGI-WindEurope-OCEaN Conference: Speeding up Nature Positive Offshore Energy Infrastructure Deployment.