UNITED Launches Groundbreaking Guide to Captivate Stakeholders with "Delivering an Effective Investor Pitch on Ocean Multi-Use Solutions: An Essential Guide"

August 2023 

UNITED introduces the game-changing guide, "Delivering an Effective Investor Pitch on Ocean Multi-Use Solutions: An Essential Guide."
This comprehensive resource equips ocean innovators with the art of captivating pitches, enabling them to present multi-use solutions in ways that resonate with stakeholders and investors. Unlock the ocean's potential for sustainable growth while safeguarding marine ecosystems. Embrace collaboration and pioneer a better future with UNITED's visionary approach to ocean sustainability.

Read the full guide here: https://www.h2020united.eu/images/pillars/Guide_to_Effective_Pitching_for_Multi-Use_StakeholderInvestor_Audience_3_compressed.pdf