• Katharina Kurzweil


The Ocean Multi-Use Final UNITED Event is set to take place from November 14-16 in Gothenburg (SE), coinciding with the inaugural event of the Mission Arena. The program features a range of sessions, from exploring the multi-use policy context to deep dive into the multi-use operations, impacts assessment and commercialisation. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain insights into the Multi-Use Commercialization Roadmap and the latest ocean multi-use technological advancements. 



With a line-up of renowned panelists sharing expert insights and discussing the next steps in multi-use sustainability research, the event promises to foster rich discussions and pave the way for future multi-use developments.

1. Offshore wind multi-use – food security or nature restoration, how to reconcile different priories?

A solution-based  discussion centering on sustainable food provision, nature conservation, and energy security, facilitated through the experiences and knowledge derived from UNITED ocean multi-use pilots. Industry experts and policy developers will engage in a dynamic discussion on how to align different national priorities, offering a rich insight into sustainable strategies and policies.

2. What have we achieved? Key results and impacts of UNITED pilots

Discover the primary findings and impacts of the five UNITED pilot projects. This interactive session offers a Q&A segment where attendees can delve deep into the practical challenges and results related to planning and offshore operations.

3. How do we assess the sustainbility of ocean multi-use?

Engage in discussions that cross the boundaries of social, economic, and environmental perspectives to assess multi-use sustainability. The session aims to foster unified approaches to multi-use sustainability research through roundtable discussions.

4. From Benefits to Business: Strategizing Commercialization of Ocean Multi-Use with UNITED Uncover the secrets behind the successful commercialization of ocean multi-use innovations through UNITED's Ocean Multi-Use Commercialization Roadmap and listen to the expert panel on the socio-economic benefits and business plans.

5. Validation of a Micro-Siting Tool for low trohic aquaculture in OWF

Explore the Ocean Multi-Use Blueprint's adaptability and practical applications, with insights from local planners on how the blueprint can be applied in various regions, including the Mission Arena Region.

6. Multi-use Technology Roadshow

Discover the different technologies applied in multi-use pilot projects. Explore successful multi-use tech in German and Belgian pilots, incl. anchor strategies, monitoring tools, and data collection with Hi Seas, among others.

7. Ocean Multi-Use Blueprint and its application

Ocean Multi-Use Blueprint presentation and explication of its practical applications. Participants will gain insights from local planners regarding the adaptability of the suggested multi-use solutions. The panel of planners will discuss how the blueprint solutions can be applied in the Mission Arena Region, among others.

8. Ocean Multi-Use Industry Sounding Board revealing the potential of multi-use innovation and market application

Formal introduction of theULTFARMS´ Ocean Multi-Use Industry Sounding Board (ISB). The session aims to highlight the pressing industry requirements pertaining to multi-use and potential opportunities in the industry sectors. A live panel discussion featuring the ISB members promises in-depth insights and interactive learning.

9. Workshops in collaboration with other projects :

- How to close the gender-gap in the blue economy?
Dive into data regarding the role, contributions and opportunities for Women in the Blue Economy.
The topic is still currently scattered and oftentimes unavailable for many regions and sectors across the EU. This workshop will discuss the ways this data will start being gathered across the BANOS region, will host active collaboration of the audience and will discuss the need for mainstriming appropriate legislation and policy initiatives to ensure a gender-equal Blue Economy.

Don’t Miss Out This is a golden opportunity to hear from the experts and participate in enriching discussions. Get ready for a series of interactive sessions, including SLIDO interactions, panel discussions, and roundtable debates. Make sure to save the date and be part of the change towards a sustainable ocean future. See you in Gothenburg!

Registation is now open!

Register here.

Check the agenda: https://www.h2020united.eu/images/FINAL_UNITED_EVENT_AGENDA_event.pdf

Register here.